Dr. Salini U. is working as Scientist in KSCSTE - National Transportation Planning & Research Centre (NATPAC) an R&D Centre of Govt. of Kerala since 2014. She has Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM). Her area of interest includes Unsaturated soil mechanics; Ground improvement techniques; Pavement material testing and use of recycled materials in pavement construction. She took her bachelor’s in civil engineering from National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) and then worked as software professional in Kanbay Pvt Ltd. for two years. After obtaining M. Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering from College of Engineering Trivandrum, she worked in PRS College of Engineering and Technology as Lecturer for one year. She has supervised several Masters students and has several publications in International and National referred journals, National and International conference proceedings etc. She is a life member of Indian Geotechnical Society, Indian Road Congress, Institute of Urban Transport, Institue of Engineers, India etc.