26 May 2022 - 26 May 2022
VB Seminar Hall, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering

The Inauguration ceremony of IGS- Saintgits Student Chapter was held on 26th May, 2022 in VB Seminar Hall, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering. Shri. Thomas T John ( Director, Saintgits group of Institution) , Dr. Josephkunj Paul C ( Principal, Saintgits College of Engineering), Dr. Soosan George T (Dean, Department of Civil Engineering), Dr. Reebu Zachariah Koshy (HOD, Department of Civil Engineering), Dr. Hari G (Mentor - IGS Student Chapter) and Er. Hanna Paul (Faculty coordinator - IGS Student Chapter) shared dias along with the chief guests of the inaugural function Dr. M D Nair (Chairman - IGS Kochi Chapter) and Dr. Anil Joseph (Hon. Secretary - IGS Kochi Chapter). Off the dais, faculty members and students graced the seminar hall by their valuable presence.

Dr. Anil Joseph (Managing Director – GEO STRUCTURALS PVT.LTD, IGS Kochi Chapter – Hon. Secretary) delivered expert talk on “Monitoring Blast Induced Vibration and Structural Assessment During Implosion of High Rise Buildings” to the students of M.Tech, Geomechanics and Structures and M.Tech, Structural and Construction Management. He discussed vibration effects caused by demolition of building by Implosion and the challenges faced during the demolition process of Maradu flat.

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